


In Adega Sameirás not only we have inherited the tradition of our ancestors in the elaboration of the wine, also have borne us respect the environment and they receive a very important legacy of varieties of varieties with different clones of each of them, which we will try to preserve for future generations.

Varieties of white grapes from our vineyards are Treixadura, representing 55% of the total crop, Albariño with 20%, with 10% Godello, side with 10%, with 2% Loureira, Caiño Blanco with 2% and Torrontés with 1%.

In terms of ink, the Sousón is 40%, the 30%, Brencellao 10%, 10% Mencía, Caiño Tinto while the remaining 10% was divided between the Carabuneira and the Castañal, the Arauxa, the Ferron.

Due to the variety of soils, Adega Sameirás we work with six rootstocks, we use depending on the type of soil and its affinity to each variety.

The be the Treixadura variety majority, we work with five different clones, and it is the side, with only 2 clones, the less diversity.

Continuing the tradition, we continue tying the branches with Wicker, and the shoots with raffia and junco, materials that become part of the soil as organic matter once they cease to fulfil its role. Although the vineyard does not need large amount of fertilizer, soon we use is organic fertilizer rich in trace elements.

Only are the essential roots, trying to preserve the structure and life of the soil, in this aspect they live the current mechanization by the old hoe that perform tasks more precisely.

We keep the utmost respect with the environment, maintaining the integrity of the soil and microbial activity, leaving flowing life, using only the strictly necessary treatment, without herbicides or insecticides, avoiding the use of systemic and pervasive products. This is our way of doing things, with much rigor and standards.

In vintage, we only pick bunches more mature, leaving those who have the minimum glimmer of greenery for subsequent vintages already that we perform an average of 3 by vineyard, so this is usually between 30 and 40 days.

We don’t have sorting table, since we don’t see its usefulness, but we perform a selected harvest. Thus the grapes dry or damaged, or leaves, are located in the vineyard, becoming part of the soil as organic matter.

Immaculate in their optimum maturation point and fresh-cut grapes boxes arrive at our single Winery. A time ranging from a few minutes to a maximum of two hours what takes to passing prey from the cut

The planted grape varieties and our soils condition profile of our wines, which only capricious nature can change, making every year are slightly different.

As beekeepers who we are, not only concern our vines but all the fauna and flora, we do not make use of words that are very popular in the marketing of the wine, or certifications, we are very demanding so we practice common sense, our job is to see viticulture.


Our vineyards

We have 6 hectares of vineyard, formed by seven parcels, O´Cotiño, O´Forte, O´Naranxo, A Horta, Sameirás  and O´Troque in the parish of Santo André, and Abeleira in neighboring Rivadavia. These are found at altitudes ranging from 95 to 290 meters above the sea level, in the land with different types of soil, predominantly those of shale, slate evolved with the presence of much quartz and gravel, above all in Santo André, and Sandy granite type in Rivadavia.

Our strains of ages ranging from 70 years of age the oldest to the most recent, planted in the last 15 years.

It is without a doubt our most important asset, formed it seven plots that most child are as follows:





This plot of 2.5 has and which gives its name to two of our wines and Winery, is located at left bank of river Avia, at an altitude between 95 and 110 meters. From the shores of the Aviaand has 300 meters we have a soil highly degraded shale is mixed with sand pebbles and quartz, from the next mountain, it is only from about 3 meters deep when we have abundant boulders and lands of alluvium characteristic of the area, at the top we have a granite area.

Surrounded by a lush forest of Oaks and pines of large-sized, which protect from Frost and wind, we have a micro-exceptional climate, in which all varieties are developed optimally.

In this plantation oriented North-South, we are introducing a personal framework of plantation, with alternate streets 2, 30 X 0, 90 m and 130 X 0, 90 m. reason of this framework is to alternate streets through which passes the machinery, with others that are not Reeves or stomping the ground, keeping them the flora and fauna of the vineyard. By its special micro-climate in it we planted all our varieties, both in white ink.

O Forte

This plot with an area of 2 Ha, is located at an altitude between 250 and 290 m in a depression at the top of the mountain, which divides the valleys of the Aviaand the Miño, about 1,700 metres from the Aviaand 2,100 m. of the Miño, protected from the winds from the South San Cibrao and North high by the of Santa Barbara. The soil is exquistos very degraded as all mountain which is located, by soil type and special characteristics of maximum insolation tried to make a special water management, creating two planes, one facing north and the other South, to divide the channels for water and this flows meekly on the ground favoring irrigation and preventing erosion. Differences in altitude are saved with 6 terraces, thus achieving a practically level ground, to favour the absorption of rainwater and prevent erosion. We hate the locations or the nutrients or water, well managed that our plants have a system radicles in search of water and food, which makes them more resistant to water stress, therefore we are concerned especially the management of water, since or Ribeiro is one of the areas most dry and warm in Galicia and within or Ribeiro the area where our vineyards are locatedon the left bank of the Avia is especially dry.

movil R 239

In this vineyard will I plant with North facing South and a framework of planting 2, 30 X 0, 9 m. Due to its altitude planted white varieties Treixadura, Albariño, Godello, side, Caino and Loureira and stuck to a slope facing South a row of a clone of a variety known as Caino of Albarellos ink.


O Cotiño


 O troque



With 6,000 meters of surface, an altitude between 130 and 150 metres to about 600 m from the well and with a soil mixture schists and granite with quartz extreme. This vineyard Boomerang is formed by 5 terraces and a ramp, with North facing and a slope in that sense which becomes of 40%, the orientation of the vineyard in this case is East West and the framework of planting of 2.30 X 0, 90 m

No is the best orientation or vineyard more sunny, but if it is ideal for our wine since in the get a grape with higher acidity but so well frutuosidad and freshness, necessary for the balance of our wine. The varieties planted are Albarino and Godello in white and a very early variety which is the Arauxa (tempranillo) which is usually fully ripening while Sousón Brencellao and Caiño need to wait at the end or even the first of October in the first week of September.


O Naranxo

Rectoral e igrexa de Santo André de Camporredondo dende a viña do Cajide


With 2,000 metres of surface an altitude between 140 and 150 meters to 900 meters from the waterways, a ground mixture of clay with shale with abundant stone, this South-facing vineyard consists of two terraces, one of them planted in north-facing South and the other East West, planting frame is 1, 5 X 1 m., in this small vineyard we have the conditions for ripening our varieties, Sousón, Brencellao, Caiño, Carabuneira and Castañal, even a small amount of our variety more late the Loureira.

The image of this vineyard along with a Orta, with the Church and the rectory (future Museum or wine from Galicia) in the background, is our label of the red and white Sameirás



A Orta

To 40 meters or Naranxo lies this small vineyard with similar characteristics, with a framework of planting of 1, 50 m x 1. and orientation South, with our varieties and any centuries-old vine Garnacha tintorera.


A Abeleira

This vineyard in the town of Ribadavia and 280 metres from the Avia River is a altitude of about 130 m. from granitic soil that in recent years the 2500 m 1300 current meters, formed by numerous terraces and vineyards, we can find many years of different varieties, this created experimental vineyard vines over 40 years ago have left many of the clones of different varieties of our current vineyards,